Search your apiaries on BeeKeepPal to view their information, edit the information or delete the apiaries. To do this, navigate to the Apiaries section on the Sidebar Menu of the Apiary Dashboard and expand the section by clicking on it. In the sub-sections that are revealed, click on View Apiaries. You are then presented with an Apiaries page listing all your apiaries. At the top central area of the page in the display area, you are provided with a search bar to look for apiaries of interest to them. Enter the name of the apiary you wish to view in the search field. As you enter successive characters, the search engine of BeeKeepPal runs a progressive search and displays results. Often, you do not even need to enter the full name to see the apiary you are interested in. When you see the apiary you wanted, you are able to view its information in the display area of the search results. You can also use the three (3) dots at the top right corner of apiary display panels to view hives in the apiary, edit apiary details and delete the apiary if you wish to.