Every time you harvest a product from your beekeeping operation, it is best to enter it into the BeeKeepPal. The software keeps track of all records well and uses them to generate accurate reports for your use. Accurate entering of production records improves the accuracy of the apiary management software. Record production data into the software through the button provided at the top of the production overview pages, or by navigating to the Production section in the BeeKeepPal Dashboard and expanding it to show the Record Production Data sub-section. Click on the Record Production Data sub-section text to get a page where you can add a new production record to BeeKeepPal. The page is titled Record Production Data. It has input fields that enable you to add production information including the product type that you have harvested, the date of harvesting, weight of the product, and which beehive the product came from. Once you have filled these fields accurately, click on the Record Production button at the bottom left corner of the display panel. A green confirmatory pop-up shows at the bottom of your display screen if the production data is recorded successfully into the software.