You might find that you have entered wrong information about a beehive in BeeKeepPal. Other times, growth makes it necessary to edit the details of a beehive in the software. If you need to make changes to the information about a beehive, you are able to do so easily with BeeKeepPal. To edit a beehive, navigate to the Beehives section on the Sidebar Menu and expand it. Next, click on View Beehives to get a list of beehives recorded in your BeeKeepPal account. Scroll to the beehive you want to edit. On the display panel where the beehive is shown, click on the three (3) vertical dots at the top right corner. A dropdown menu is displayed with Edit as one of the options. Click on Edit to open an Edit Beehive page where you can change some or all the details about the beehive you are interested in. When you are finished, click on the Save Changes button at the bottom left of the page. Wait for a confirmation notification telling you that changes have been saved.