Delete any financial record of interest from BeeKeepPal by clicking on its respective Delete button represented by a dustbin icon in the row where the record is shown on the Financial Overview page. You may also do this by clicking on the Delete button represented by a dustbin icon on the Edit page of the record. Clicking on the Delete button causes blacking out of the display page you are on and a pop-up display is shown. It is titled Remove Transaction. This pop-up seeks your confirmation that you want to delete the selected financial record. If you want to stop the process, click on the Cancel button at the bottom right corner of the pop-up. You can also close the pop-up and prevent deletion of the record by clicking on the X close button at the top right corner of the pop-up. If you are sure you want the record removed from BeeKeepPal, click on the Yes button at the bottom left area of the pop-up. You shortly get a green confirmation pop-up telling you that the record was successfully removed from BeeKeepPal apiary management software.